smile: 微笑 he smiled at me. 他对我笑。
grin: 露齒而笑 this child often has a naughty grin on his face.
smirk1: 得意地笑 the boy smirked2 at seeing
his prank3. 看着自己的恶作剧,小男孩得意地笑了。
yawn: 打哈欠 yawning is contagious4. 打哈欠是会传染的。
cough: 咳嗽 he coughed his lungs up. 他把肺都咳出来了。
burp: 打饱嗝 he burped loudly. 他打饱嗝打得很响。
hiccup5: 打嗝;呃逆 he couldn’t get rid of his hiccups6. 他打嗝打得停不下来。
chew: 咀嚼 food should be carefully chewed before swallowing.
swallow: 吞咽;吞吃;咽下 this decoction is very bitter and hard to swallow.
spit: 吐痰 don’t spit on the floor. 不要随地吐痰。
vomit7: 呕吐 i got carsick, and vomited8
the whole way. 因为晕车,一路上呕吐不止。
lick: 舔 the kids are licking their ice creams. 孩子们正舔吃着冰糕。
poke9 one’s tongue out: 伸舌头 he poked10
his tongue out. 他把舌头伸了出来。
pout11: 噘嘴 she pouted12 at me.
purse one’s lips: 撇嘴 after tearing open the gift, the girl suddenly pursed
her lips and started crying. 小女孩拆开礼物后突然撇起嘴哭了。
grind one’s teeth: 磨牙 some people grind their teeth while sleeping.
suck on one’s thumb: 含大拇指 babies like sucking on their thumbs while
sleeping. 宝宝喜欢含大拇指睡觉。
keep in the mouth (suck on): 含 he sucked on a lolly. 他嘴里含着糖。